Dental Radiology Device RAYSCAN Alpha


The RAYSCAN Alpha Dental Radiology Device is the perfect solution for any dental clinic that aims to achieve excellent image quality and minimize radiation dose for patients.


Dental Radiology Device RAYSCAN Alpha

  • Excellent image quality
  • Metal artifact correction
  • Lower radiation dose
  • Fast scanning time
  • Pulsed X-ray technology
  • Multiple scanning modes
  • 3 dedicated detectors
  • Reliable performance
  • Long lifespan
  • Easy to upgrade
  • Remote calibration and updates – WebViewer technology
  • Intelligent operation
  • Ingenious cooling with ATCT
  • Automatic alignment
  • Minimal preparation time
  • Remote updates

The RAYSCAN Alpha Dental Radiology Device is the perfect solution for any dental clinic that seeks excellent image quality and lower radiation dose for patients. The pulsed X-ray technology and metal artifact correction provide clear and precise images for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. The device is equipped with multiple scanning modes and 3 dedicated detectors to ensure reliable performance and long lifespan.

The fast scanning time and intelligent operation of the RAYSCAN Alpha Dental Radiology Device make the scanning process highly efficient. The preparation time is minimal, and the ingenious cooling with ATCT and automatic alignment ensure precise and comfortable scanning for patients. Remote updates and WebViewer technology for calibration and updates make the device easy to upgrade, saving time and money for the dental clinic owner.

In conclusion, the RAYSCAN Alpha Dental Radiology Device is the ideal choice for any dentist who desires clear and precise images, lower radiation dose, and efficiency in the scanning process. The advanced pulsed X-ray technology and multiple scanning modes make the device one of the most advanced dental equipment on the market, and the remote updates and intelligent operation make it user-friendly and easily upgradable over time. | Radiology Equipment

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